Monday, December 23, 2019

Helping The Homeless And Interacting With Offenders At...

Biographical Sketch Devoting my senior undergraduate year to helping the homeless and interacting with offenders at Community Crisis Incorporation Service truly reinforced my desire to help the underprivileged. During this internship, I was able to step outside of my comfort zone and connect with individuals that I have not engaged with before. I enjoyed the feeling that I received by helping them enhance their wellbeing and providing them with useful resources that accommodated their needs. After my internship was complete, I have continued to volunteer each winter in the Warm Night Hyperthermia Program assisting families stay warm during the colder months. Morgan State Graduate School of Social Work Education has assisted me to fulfill my sense of duty in helping impoverished adolescent girls, boys and families to succeed. Hope, encouragement and someone who believes in you are often the little push one needs to live up to their full potential. My current position as a Community Support Worker at First Home Care allows me to work with children and adolescents in the Washington D.C and surrounding areas who have mental health disabilities. In working with this population, I have the opportunity to decrease crisis in the community, educate youth on positive decision making skills, how to communicate in an appropriate manner, and implement proper /effective coping skills. This upcoming school year for my field placement, I will have a caseload of five adolescencesShow MoreRelatedProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesManagement, Eighth Edition Cachon and Terwiesch, Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management, Second Edition Finch, Interactive Models for Operations and Supply Chain Management, First Edition Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology, Seventh Edition Gehrlein, Operations Management Cases, First Edition Harrison and Samson, Technol ogy Management, First Edition Hayen, SAP R/3 Enterprise Software: An Introduction, First Edition

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